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Hotel reviews: H2 Hotel Wien Schönbrunn

Here you will find the reviews of our guests for the H2 Hotel Wien Schönbrunn in the areas of rooms, breakfast, location, cleanliness, price perception, restaurant and service.

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Evaluation overview: What our guests say about the H2 Hotel Wien Schönbrunn

Overall rating from 392 evaluations

Our latest ratings:
308 evaluations, show
70 evaluations, show
7 evaluations, show
2 evaluations, show
5 evaluations, show
Guest statements:

„Ideal location” 

„Modern hotel” 

„Super breakfast” 

„Very helpful staff” 

„Very nice rooms”

Detailed evaluations









From: anonymous20.08.24

  • Room
    20 / 100
  • Location
    20 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    20 / 100
  • Service
    20 / 100
  • Price
    20 / 100
Dear Guest, thank you very much for your rating that you gave to our hotel. It is a pity that we were not able to convince you of our hotel in all respects. Nevertheless, we all hope that we can welcome you again in our hotel and wish you all the best until then! Your H-Hotels team Stefanie Bergforth – Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous02.08.24

  • Room
    20 / 100
  • Location
    20 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    20 / 100
  • Service
    20 / 100
  • Price
    20 / 100
Dear Guest, thank you very much for the evaluation of your stay. It is only through guests who take the time to share their experiences with us that improvements can be made in our hotels. Too bad you didn't write what you missed. Nevertheless, we hope that we will get the opportunity to inspire you again and wish you a nice time until then. With kind regards Your H-Hotels team Stefanie Bergforth - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous11.07.24

  • Room
    20 / 100
  • Location
    20 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    20 / 100
  • Service
    20 / 100
  • Price
    20 / 100
Lieber Gast, vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback, auch wenn es uns bedauerlicherweise zeigt, dass wir Ihre Erwartungen nicht vollständig erfüllen konnten. Es tut uns aufrichtig leid, dass Ihr Aufenthalt nicht zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit verlaufen ist. Ihre Kommentare sind äußerst wichtig für uns, um unseren Service zu verbessern. Wir werden Ihre Anmerkungen ernsthaft prüfen und Maßnahmen ergreifen, um die von Ihnen genannten Punkte anzugehen. Wir hoffen, dass Sie uns eine weitere Chance geben, Ihre Erwartungen zu erfüllen. Ihr Team von den H-Hotels Stefanie Bergforth - Online Reputation Manager



From: Nino29.04.24

  • Room
    20 / 100
  • Location
    20 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    20 / 100
  • Service
    20 / 100
  • Price
    20 / 100
  • Breakfast
    20 / 100
Lieber Nino, herzlichen Dank für die Bewertung Ihres Aufenthaltes. Nur durch Gäste, die sich die Zeit nehmen, uns Ihre Erlebnisse mitzuteilen, können Verbesserungen in unseren Hotels herbeigeführt werden. Schade, dass Sie nicht geschrieben haben, was Ihnen gefehlt hat. Wir hoffen dennoch, dass wir noch einmal die Möglichkeit bekommen, Sie zu begeistern und wünschen Ihnen bis dahin eine schöne Zeit. Mit herzlichen Grüßen Ihr Team von den H-Hotels Stefanie Bergforth - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous19.04.24

  • Room
    20 / 100
  • Location
    20 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    20 / 100
  • Service
    20 / 100
  • Price
    20 / 100
  • Breakfast
    20 / 100
  • Restaurant
    20 / 100
  • Bar
    20 / 100
Dear Guest, thank you very much for the evaluation of your stay. It is only through guests who take the time to share their experiences with us that improvements can be made in our hotels. Too bad you didn't write what you missed. Nevertheless, we hope that we will get the opportunity to inspire you again and wish you a nice time until then. With kind regards Your H-Hotels team Stefanie Bergforth - Online Reputation Manager


Our Customer Satisfaction Index

Based on 392 ratings

Certificate from:
Customer Alliance
  • Independent evaluation service
  • Evaluations from real guests without manipulating

What is the Customer Alliance Certificate?

Customer Alliance is an independent review provider for businesses, helping them to collect authentic customer feedback. As a result, this Review Certificate bridges the trust gap between businesses and you - the customer.

How does the review process work?

Our questionnaire is sent to all customers. Therefore, every single review you find here, has been submitted by a real customer and cannot be manipulated. Only customers who have interacted with the business can write a review.

What is the Customer Satisfaction Index?

The Customer Satisfaction Index offers an average rating based on all guest feedback. It therefore shows you how happy the customers are with the business. 100% represents the highest possible score.

What is this?
All reviews
  • Customer Alliance88%
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