Mission statement of H-Hotels GmbH

What we stand for
We are one of the few family-run and independent hotel companies in Germany. Having been in the market for more than 50 years, we know the hotel industry like no other, identifying trends and developments at an earlier stage. We stand for permanent development, pioneering hotel formats and sustainable growth.

We are unconventional...
Firmly anchored in the hotel market, we also embark on new and unfamiliar territory. All our actions are consistently tailored to the needs of our guests and the market.

...embarking on uncharted territory.
As an independent, agile hotel company, we are also able to develop projects that are not suitable for large corporations. While corporations are setting their supertankers on a new course, we are already two estuaries away, like a speedboat. The result is innovative hotel products that put us one step ahead of our competitors.

We love our guests - dedicated to hospitality.
We are dedicated to hospitality. The wishes and interests of our guests are at the heart of our business. Satisfied guests are the cornerstone of our company. Each and every day we do our utmost to make our guests feel at home or even more comfortable.

We do everything ourselves - from a single source
Highly professional, efficient and yet personal and uncomplicated. From the reservation system to interfaces to online providers and networks, from our own travel service to sophisticated food concepts and large-scale catering - it's all in our hands. Our corporate network is our network of excellence.
Anything we are unable to do better ourselves, we place in the hands of the most reliable service providers.

We challenge and promote -
standing still is a foreign concept for us
Our success is based on the dedication and enthusiasm of our staff. We promote both their personal and professional development. We do not stand still and have no fixed hierarchies. Every member of staff can go as far as they wish to. We are a family business: mutual appreciation, respect, honesty and recognition define our corporate culture.

This is important to us.
Respect, determination, recognition, energy, responsibility, solidarity, honesty, flexibility, independence, trust, innovation, appreciation, reliability