The www.h-hotels.com internet server is an online service provided by:
H-Hotels GmbH
Braunser Weg 12, 34454 Bad Arolsen, Germany
Telephone +49 (0)5691 / 878-0
Fax +49 (0)5691 / 878-444
[email protected]
Managing Directors:
Alexander Fitz
Thomas Querl
Trade register:
Korbach district court (Amtsgericht), HRB 2298
VAT number in accordance with section 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz):
VAT no.: DE 113088506
We have taken every step to check links included on this website but we cannot accept any liability for their content. The operators of linked sites are solely responsible for their content.
Mandatory information in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council:
The homepage of the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution platform for consumer complaints is available at ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. You can first contact us at [email protected] regarding any dispute that you may wish to submit.
Notice in accordance with section 36 of the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz):
We always aim to find an amicable solution to any differences of opinion that may arise in our contractual relationships with consumers. Customers can contact [email protected] if they have any complaints. Expiry of the limitation period for claims is excluded while this process is ongoing. If no agreement can be reached, legal action may be taken without first attempting conciliation via an officially recognised body.
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