Reviews: H+ Hotel & SPA Engelberg

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Reviews: H+ Hotel & SPA Engelberg

What our guests are saying...

Find out what guests think of the H+ Hotel & SPA Engelberg. Here we show you an overview of the hotel reviews that travellers have submitted on various portals.

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Evaluation overview: What our guests say about the H+ Hotel & SPA Engelberg

Overall rating from 1082 evaluations

Our latest ratings:
800 evaluations, show
252 evaluations, show
27 evaluations, show
3 evaluations, show
0 evaluations, 
Guest statements:

320 guests said "great hotel"

350 guests said "very good staff"

295 guests said "wonderful rooms"

275 guests said "great price"

377 guests said "super location"

Detailed evaluations











From: Jes22.07.24

Super fint
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Kære Jes, Mange tak for den fantastiske anmeldelse, du har givet vores hotel. Vi er glade for, at du har nydt dit ophold hos os, og vi håber snart at kunne byde dig velkommen igen! Med venlig hilsen, Dit team fra H-Hotels, Fabienne Lennert - Online Reputation Manager West



From: Talya22.07.24

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Talya, Thanks a lot for your review! It was nice to host you in our hotel and we are looking forward to a repetition! Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: Sophie22.07.24

  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Price
    60 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Restaurant
    60 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Sophie, thank you very much for taking the time to review your stay. We are looking forward to welcoming you soon again! Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: George21.07.24

  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    60 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear George, Thank you for your fantastic review regarding your recent stay at our hotel. We are more than happy about your rating. Please come back soon for another brilliant stay. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: Bellocq21.07.24

Très bon Hôtel confortable
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Bar
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Bellocq, Thank you for the great review of our hotel! We are glad that you enjoyed your stay and hope to see you again very soon. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: Alex21.07.24

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Alex, Thanks a million for having stayed at our Hotel and for rewarding us with such a fantastic feedback. We are thrilled about your beautiful comment. Please visit us again soon and re-experience our excellent hospitality in every way. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous20.07.24

  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Restaurant
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Guest, Thanks a lot for your review! It was nice to host you in our hotel and we are looking forward to a repetition! Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous20.07.24

Very nice
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Guest, thank you very much for taking the time to review your stay. We are looking forward to welcoming you soon again! Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous18.07.24

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Bar
    80 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    60 / 100
Dear Guest, Thank you for your good rating. We hope you enjoyed your stay and it would be our pleasure to be your host during your next visit again. Our team is looking forward to seeing you soon! Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous17.07.24

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Lieber Gast, ach, wie schön, dass es Ihnen so gut bei uns gefallen hat! Das ganze Team bedankt sich sehr und freut sich auf Ihren nächsten Besuch. Mit herzlichen Grüßen aus Engelberg, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous16.07.24

Fine Hotel, I commit
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Restaurant
    60 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Guest, thank you very much for taking the time to review your stay. We are really happy that you enjoyed your time with us and that our hotel met your expectations. We are looking forward to welcoming you soon again! Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous15.07.24

It was an excellent stay
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Restaurant
    100 / 100
  • Bar
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Guest, Thanks a million for having stayed at our Hotel and for rewarding us with such a fantastic feedback. We are thrilled about your beautiful comment. Please visit us again soon and re-experience our excellent hospitality in every way. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: Alessandro15.07.24

Excellence, un Grazie al personale
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Alessandro, Thank you so much for your lovely word about your stay in our hotel. We are more than happy to read that our team could offer you a wonderful time. Hopefully we can welcome you soon again and until then we wish you only the best! Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous15.07.24

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Restaurant
    100 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Lieber Gast, herzlichen Dank für Ihre Bewertung. Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich während Ihres Aufenthaltes wohlgefühlt haben und begrüßen Sie sehr gerne wieder. Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Engelberg, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous15.07.24

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Guest, thank you very much for taking the time to review your stay. We are looking forward to welcoming you soon again! Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: Pedro14.07.24

Very good as I was with my wife an 3 kids
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Pedro, Thank you very much for sharing some great impressions with our future guests. We hope to welcome you soon back again for some memorable days in our hotel. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous14.07.24

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    60 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Lieber Gast, vielen Dank für Ihre freundliche Bewertung. Es ist schön zu lesen, dass Sie einen angenehmen Aufenthalt in unserem Hotel hatten. Wir würden uns freuen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Engelberg, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous14.07.24

Wir sind super zufrieden und kommen gerne noch einmal, falls wir wieder in Engelberg sind. Danke sehr.
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Lieber Gast, vielen Dank für Ihre fantastische Bewertung! Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Sie Ihren Aufenthalt bei uns so genossen haben und mit allem rundum zufrieden waren. Es wäre uns eine Freude, Sie bei Ihrem nächsten Besuch in Engelberg wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Danke sehr und bis bald! Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Anika Müller - Online Reputation Manager



From: Ob D.12.07.24

  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear guest, Many thanks for your fantastic rating. We already look forward to your next stay. Greetings from the H+ Hotel & SPA Engelberg. King regards, Your H-Hotels Team Sergej Rosenberg - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous12.07.24

Very good
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear guest, thank you for the great review of our hotel! We are glad that you enjoyed your stay and hope to see you again very soon. Greetings from the H+ Hotel & SPA Engelberg. King regards, Your H-Hotels Team Sergej Rosenberg - Online Reputation Manager


Our Customer Satisfaction Index

Based on 1082 ratings

Certificate from:
Customer Alliance
  • Independent evaluation service
  • Evaluations from real guests without manipulating

What is the Customer Alliance Certificate?

Customer Alliance is an independent review provider for businesses, helping them to collect authentic customer feedback. As a result, this Review Certificate bridges the trust gap between businesses and you - the customer.

How does the review process work?

Our questionnaire is sent to all customers. Therefore, every single review you find here, has been submitted by a real customer and cannot be manipulated. Only customers who have interacted with the business can write a review.

What is the Customer Satisfaction Index?

The Customer Satisfaction Index offers an average rating based on all guest feedback. It therefore shows you how happy the customers are with the business. 100% represents the highest possible score.

What is this?
All reviews
  • Customer Alliance87%
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