Conference center at H+ Hotel Bochum - Official website
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Flexible meetings in 9 different spaces

The 9 conference rooms in the H+ Hotel Bochum vary in size from 20 to 106 square metres. The rooms can be partially combined, allowing for the creation of a maximum area covering 312 square metres with capacity for up to 240 people.

Meeting rooms at the H+ Hotel Bochum
Modern conference rooms at the H+ Hotel Bochum - Official website

Light meeting rooms at the H+ Hotel Bochum

The number of people that can be accommodated varies according to the type of seating, which can be arranged in a U-shape, as group tables, or in rows, for example. Movable partition walls also enables the flexible use of the rooms. All rooms are pillar-free and equipped with the latest conference technology. They enjoy natural daylight, but can be darkened if required.

WiFi Internet access is available throughout the conference area, and some rooms also offer a free DSL connection.

Meeting request in the hotel

Meeting request: by form

Freecall: +49 234 925660

Meeting room plan from H+ Hotel Bochum

Location plan of the premises for meetings at the H+ Hotel Bochum - Official website

Details of the meeting rooms

BL = Block U = U-shape P = Parliament C = Cinema Ba = Banquet DL = Daylight DD = Darkening devices
Rooms Length Width Area Height BL U P C Ba DL DD Floor
Dortmund 9,70 m 11,00 m 106,00 m² 3,00 m 0 30 50 70 40 yes yes 0
Gelsenkirchen 4,80 m 11,00 m 53,00 m² 3,00 m 22 20 30 32 0 yes yes 0
Duisburg 4,80 m 11,00 m 53,00 m² 3,00 m 22 20 30 32 0 yes yes 0
Bochum 9,70 m 11,00 m 106,00 m² 3,00 m 0 30 50 70 40 yes yes 0
Essen 7,00 m 5,00 m 35,00 m² 2,50 m 16 12 20 25 0 yes yes 0
Oberhausen 7,00 m 5,00 m 35,00 m² 2,50 m 16 12 20 25 0 yes yes 0
Hagen 5,80 m 3,50 m 20,00 m² 2,50 m 6 0 8 12 0 yes yes 0
Hamm 5,80 m 3,50 m 20,00 m² 2,50 m 6 0 8 12 0 yes yes 0
Herne 5,80 m 3,50 m 20,00 m² 2,50 m 6 0 8 12 0 yes yes 0
Combinations Length Width Area Height BL U P C Ba DL DD Floor
Bochum + Duisburg 14,50 m 11,00 m 159,00 m² 3,00 m 0 60 90 120 70 yes yes 0
Gelsenkirchen + Dortmund 14,50 m 11,00 m 159,00 m² 3,00 m 0 60 90 120 70 yes yes 0
Dortmund + Duisburg + Gelsenk. 19,30 m 11,00 m 212,00 m² 3,00 m 0 0 120 160 70 yes yes 0
Bochum + Duisburg + Gelsenk. 19,30 m 11,00 m 212,00 m² 3,00 m 0 0 120 160 70 yes yes 0
Boch. + Duisb. + Gelsenk. + Dortm. 29,00 m 11,00 m 318,00 m² 3,00 m 0 0 180 240 150 yes yes 0
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