Cyber attack on
internal and external communication currently only available to a limited extent +++ hotel operations are secured

Bad Arolsen, 13 Dezember 2022 – Unknown persons perpetrated a cyber attack on the IT network of the hotel company on Sunday, December 11, 2022, leading to limitations in digital communication. The cyber attack had been detected by the hotel company's IT security systems on Sunday. According to initial findings by internal and external IT specialists, cyber criminals managed to breach the extensive technical and organizational protection systems of the IT in a professional attack. After the cyber attack was detected, the IT systems were immediately shut down and disconnected from the internet to prevent further spread.
The ongoing hotel operations in the individual hotels of the group are ensured and bookings are accepted in the hotels as usual. E-mail inquiries cannot currently be answered or cannot be answered promptly. Customers are advised to contact the desired or already booked hotel by telephone if desired. immediately informed the responsible investigating authorities and filed a criminal complaint. In close coordination with the investigating authorities, IT forensic experts are currently examining all affected IT systems to secure traces for further investigations. This work will take several days. Afterwards, all systems will be cleaned up and all data subjected to a final check to rule out a continuation of the cyber attack or a renewed attack.
As of today, the IT forensic experts in charge see no indications that relevant or personal data was stolen through the cyber attack. Further investigations will be carried out in the coming days in coordination with the investigating authorities and the responsible data protection authority. Should a leak of personal data be identified during these investigations, will inform the affected persons.
For investigative tactical reasons and due to the ongoing investigations, no further information can be provided at this time. For updated information, please use the website
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