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Reviews: H2 Hotel München Messe

What our guests are saying...

Find out what guests think of the H2 Hotel München Messe! Here we show you an overview of the hotel reviews that travellers have submitted on various portals.

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Evaluation overview: What our guests say about the H2 Hotel München Messe

Overall rating from 1620 evaluations

Our latest ratings:
1175 evaluations, show
370 evaluations, show
67 evaluations, show
7 evaluations, show
1 evaluations, show
Guest statements:

387 guests said „Perfect breakfast

498 guests said „Very nice hotel

490 guests said „Very bright rooms

545 guests said „Very attentive staff

553 guests said „Optimal location

Detailed evaluations










From: anonymous30.08.23

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    60 / 100
Lieber Gast, herzlichen Dank, dass Sie unser Haus für Ihren Aufenthalt wählten und uns mit Ihrer super Bewertung wissen lassen, dass Sie sich wohl gefühlt haben. Schon heute freuen wir uns darauf, Ihren nächsten Besuch genauso angenehm werden zu lassen und hoffen auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann- Online Reputation Manager



From: Vincenzo28.08.23

Ottimo e consigliato alle famiglie
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    60 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Vincenzo, We are glad that you enjoyed your time with us and we appreciate your good rating as a result of your mostly positive impressions. During your next stay we would like to convince you of our quality level in every aspect and hope to meet again someday. Kind regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Johan de J.28.08.23

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Johan, Thank you for your time to rate on your overall pleasant abidance at our hotel. We are glad that your positive impressions prevailed and we look forward to enable your future visit even more enjoyable. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous28.08.23

For us it was definitely a nice experience. I hope it will be the same standard as this will be on go to hotel accommodation if will plan to stop over again at Munich, while traveling by land during summer vacation. We we're really satisfied with the service.
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Guest, Many thanks for having stayed at our hotel and for sharing a super review. We are happy that you acknowledged our guest oriented service and most of our amenities which made your abidance enjoyable. Hopefully we will meet again soon. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Andrea P.27.08.23

È un ottimo Hotel sotto tutti i punti di vista.
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Andrea, We are happy that you gave your recent stay at our Hotel a super rating which confirms your mostly delightful impressions. It was our pleasure to have satisfied your expectations in almost every way and we hope to welcome you back again someday for another or even more enjoyable time with us. Sincerely, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Riedel27.08.23

für einen Kurzaufenthalt geeignetes Hotel mit guter Anbindung an den ÖPNV und angemessenem Preis- Leistungsverhältnis
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    60 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Lieber Gast, wir sind froh, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause insgesamt wohl fühlten und danken Ihnen, uns hinsichtlich Ihrer Erfahrungen gut bewertet zu haben. Um Sie von unserem hohen Standard in allen Bereichen zu überzeugen, hoffen wir auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann- Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous26.08.23

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
Lieber Gast, unser gesamtes Team sagt „herzlichen Dank“, dass Sie sich Zeit nahmen, unser Hotel nach Ihrer Heimkehr so super zu bewerten. Wir freuen uns, dass Sie einen gelungenen Aufenthalt bei uns verbringen konnten und wären begeistert, Sie bald wieder einmal willkommen heißen zu dürfen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann- Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous26.08.23

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Guest, How lovely to know that you enjoyed a pleasant stay at our hotel. With our personalized service and warm hospitality we would be delighted to welcome you back again soon for another great abidance. Warmest regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Marietta R.25.08.23

Etwas chaotisch im Frühstücksraum, Tische, vor allem draußen könnten etwas schneller abgeräumt und gesäubert werden
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Liebe Marietta, wir danken Ihnen dafür, dass Sie Ihren Aufenthalt in unserem Hause so super bewertet haben. Wie schön, dass wir Ihnen mit herzlicher Gastfreundschaft, sowie tollem Service und Komfort eine angenehme Zeit bereiten konnten. Hoffentlich dürfen wir Sie bald wieder einmal willkommen heißen, um Ihre Eindrücke sogar noch weiter zu verbessern. Herzliche Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann- Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous25.08.23

  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Guest, We are grateful for your fantastic rating and more than happy about your positive impressions. It was our pleasure to have satisfied your expectations and we couldn't be happier about the fact that our daily efforts made your abidance delightful. Please recommend us to your friends and come back soon for another wonderful stay. Kind regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Terry25.08.23

  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Terry, Thanks a million for giving your abidance at our H2 Hotel such an amazing rating confirming your delightful impressions and appreciation for our daily efforts. We hope that we can welcome you back again someday and enable your next stay just as pleasant. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Serena25.08.23

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
Dear Serena, Thanks a million for choosing our hotel for your recent trip to Munic and for rating us with amazing 97%. We couldn't be happier about the fact that your stay was delightful and associated with such fantastic impressions. Please come back soon for another wonderful time with us and re-experience our warm hospitality. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Paolo25.08.23

Comodo e rilassante
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Paolo, We are thrilled about your amazing rating and delighted to know that your stay at our Hotel was such a success. Please come back again soon and allow us to enable your abidance just as pleasant. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Bartolo24.08.23

Una piacevole esperienza, sicuramente da consigliare.
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    60 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Bartolo, Thank you for your time to rate on your overall pleasant abidance at our modern hotel. We are glad that your positive impressions prevailed and we look forward to enable your future visit even more enjoyable. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous24.08.23

Ein unkomplizierter Ort zum Übernachten. Service und Sauberkeit sind wirklich gut. Mehr kann und sollte man nicht erwarten.
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    60 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Lieber Gast, wie schön, dass Ihnen unser Haus, mitsamt seinen tollen Annehmlichkeiten, so super gefiel und unsere herzliche Gastfreundschaft dazu beigetragen hat, Ihnen eine erholsame Zeit zu ermöglichen. Hoffentlich dürfen wir Sie schon bald wieder einmal bei uns willkommen heißen und Ihren zukünftigen Aufenthalt genauso angenehm gestalten. Mit besten Grüßen, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann- Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous24.08.23

  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Guest, We are grateful for your amazing rating and delighted to know that your stay at our hotel was such a success. Please come back soon for another lovely abidance with us in Munic. Warmest regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Eden24.08.23

Soggiorno confortevole ad un prezzo onesto
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    60 / 100
Dear Eden, Thank you for staying at our hotel and for giving us a good rating. We are glad that because of our great comfort and service efforts you enjoyed a pleasant abidance overall. Please come back someday and allow us to even improve your impressions. Best wishes, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous23.08.23

От Тому, ми їм дякуємо за гостинність і розуміння
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Guest, We are grateful for your fantastic rating and more than happy about your positive impressions. It was our pleasure to have satisfied your expectations and we couldn't be happier about the fact that our daily efforts made your abidance delightful. Please recommend us to your friends and come back soon for another wonderful stay. Kind regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Marchiodi P.22.08.23

Ottima posizione decentrata dal centro caotico di Monaco
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Guest, Thanks a million for giving your recent stay at our H2 Hotel such a fabulous rating. We are more than happy that you acknowledged our conveniences and excellent service features just as much as our warm hospitality. Please come back again soon and enjoy another delightful abidance with us. Sincerely, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Sònia22.08.23

Muy buena
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Sònia, Thanks a lot for choosing our hotel for your recent trip and for giving your experiences great 87%. We are happy that you had a pleasant stay with us and we would be delighted to welcome you back again someday for another enjoyable abidance. Kind regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager


Our Customer Satisfaction Index

Based on 1620 ratings

Certificate from:
Customer Alliance
  • Independent evaluation service
  • Evaluations from real guests without manipulating

What is the Customer Alliance Certificate?

Customer Alliance is an independent review provider for businesses, helping them to collect authentic customer feedback. As a result, this Review Certificate bridges the trust gap between businesses and you - the customer.

How does the review process work?

Our questionnaire is sent to all customers. Therefore, every single review you find here, has been submitted by a real customer and cannot be manipulated. Only customers who have interacted with the business can write a review.

What is the Customer Satisfaction Index?

The Customer Satisfaction Index offers an average rating based on all guest feedback. It therefore shows you how happy the customers are with the business. 100% represents the highest possible score.

What is this?
All reviews
  • Customer Alliance86%
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