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Reviews: H2 Hotel München Messe

What our guests are saying...

Find out what guests think of the H2 Hotel München Messe! Here we show you an overview of the hotel reviews that travellers have submitted on various portals.

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Evaluation overview: What our guests say about the H2 Hotel München Messe

Overall rating from 1618 evaluations

Our latest ratings:
1175 evaluations, show
369 evaluations, show
66 evaluations, show
7 evaluations, show
1 evaluations, show
Guest statements:

387 guests said „Perfect breakfast

498 guests said „Very nice hotel

490 guests said „Very bright rooms

545 guests said „Very attentive staff

553 guests said „Optimal location

Detailed evaluations










From: B. K.05.12.23

  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
Lieber Gast, vielen Dank für die super Bewertung Ihres Aufenthaltes. Diese ist für uns ein toller Beweis, dass der hohe Komfort unseres Hauses, sowie die herzliche Umgangsform all unserer Kollegen von unseren Gästen sehr geschätzt werden. Schon heute freuen wir uns auf Ihren nächsten Besuch, wo wir Sie aufs Neue begeistern möchten. Beste Grüße aus München, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann- Online Reputation Manager



From: Gabriela05.12.23

O experiență plăcută.In apropiere este un mall.
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Gabriela, We are thrilled about your amazing rating and delighted to know that your stay at our Hotel was such a success. Please come back again soon and allow us to enable your abidance just as pleasant. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Lars05.12.23

Great stay in good location, very friendly and competent staff at competitive rates
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Lars, Thanks a lot for rating on your recent stay with us. We are happy that you enjoyed a pleasant time at our modern hotel and experienced an attentive service. Hopefully we can welcome you back again soon for another delightful abidance. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Christian04.12.23

Eigentlich rundum zufrieden bis auf die kleinen Unzulänglichkeiten hinsichtlich der Sauberkeit
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    60 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Lieber Christian, vielen Dank, dass Sie bei uns waren und sich Zeit nahmen, Ihren Aufenthalt, entsprechend Ihrer Erfahrungen, so super einzuschätzen. Wir sind gern Gastgeber und positive Bewertungen wie Ihre, sind für unser gesamtes Team die schönste Belohnung. Auf Ihren nächsten Besuch, wo wir Sie noch mehr begeistern möchten, freuen wir uns schon heute. Beste Grüße aus München, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann- Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous04.12.23

  • Room
    60 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    60 / 100
  • Service
    20 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    40 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Guest, Thank you for your time to rate on your recent stay at our hotel. What a pity that we couldn't fully convince you of our great modern comfort and service features our H2 Hotel generally is appreciated for. To help improving ourselves we would have liked to know more detailed what we can do in your opinion to enhance our quality level. The satisfaction of our guests is our highest priority and an extensive feedback important for us to aspire accordingly improvements. Hopefully you will give us another opportunity to convince you of our high quality level and excellent hospitality during a future visit. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous03.12.23

Nos han ayudado y han sido muy amables tanto en recepción como en el desayuno las camareras
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    60 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Guest, Thank you for choosing our H2 Hotel for your recent stay and for giving us a good rating. We are happy that your positive impressions prevailed and that you generally enjoyed a pleasant time with us. During your next abidance we would like to fully convince you of our great hospitality and hope to meet again someday. Sincerely, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Samuele03.12.23

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    40 / 100
  • Price
    40 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Samuele, Thank you for choosing our hotel for your recent trip to Munic and for giving us a good rating. It shows that our daily efforts were appreciated which made your stay overall enjoyable. Next time we would like to fully convince you of our great advantages and hope to welcome you back again soon. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Jawad Y.03.12.23

Excellent, would like to stay during next trip as well.
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Yawad, Many thanks for your awesome rating. We are more than happy that your time at our hotel was delightful and our conveniences as well as warm hospitality acknowledged. Please recommend us to your friends and come back soon for another wonderful stay. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous02.12.23

Gepflegtes Hotel in seiner Kategorie
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Lieber Gast, herzlichen Dank, dass Sie unser Haus für Ihren München-Aufenthalt wählten und uns mit Ihrer hervorragenden Bewertung wissen lassen, dass Sie sich so richtig wohl gefühlt haben. Schon heute freuen wir uns darauf, Ihren nächsten Besuch genauso angenehm zu gestalten und hoffen auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Jani T.02.12.23

  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Jani, Many thanks for letting us and our future guests know that your abidance at our Hotel was associated with positive impressions. We are happy that you felt comfortable with us and appreciated our daily efforts. To enable your next stay just as or even more enjoyable we hope to meet again someday. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous02.12.23

Den Erwartungen entsprechend
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Price
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Lieber Gast, wir sind froh, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause insgesamt wohl fühlten und danken Ihnen, uns hinsichtlich Ihrer Erfahrungen gut bewertet zu haben. Um Sie von unserem hohen Standard in allen Bereichen zu überzeugen, hoffen wir auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann- Online Reputation Manager



From: Peri02.12.23

  • Room
    40 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    60 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Peri, Thank you for posting a good review of your recent stay at our hotel. We are happy that you overall enjoyed your time with us and we would be pleased to welcome you back again someday to fully convince you of our excellent hospitality. Best regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous02.12.23

Good service and the waitress is friendly.
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Dear Guest, We are delighted about your brilliant rating as it confirms that your abidance at our hotel was pleasant and our conveniences highly appreciated. Please come back soon and let us enable your next stay just as memorable. Warm regards, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Peter M.01.12.23

preis und leistung stimmt nicht
  • Room
    20 / 100
  • Location
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    80 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    60 / 100
  • Price
    60 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Lieber Peter, wir danken Ihnen für die Mühe, Ihren Aufenthalt in unserem H2 Hotel bewertet zu haben und sind froh, dass Sie sich aufgrund Ihrer insgesamt positiven Erfahrungen bei uns wohl fühlten. Schade nur, dass unser Preis/Leistungsverhältnis nicht überzeugen konnte. Gern möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, dass wir in unserem Hause mit einem dynamischen Preissystem arbeiten, wobei sich die Raten stets nach der aktuellen Buchungslage, sowie Auslastung und etwaigen Veranstaltungen in München richten. Somit variieren die Zimmerpreise täglich und eine günstigere Buchung ist die meiste Zeit im Jahr über möglich. Wir bitten Sie diesbezüglich um Ihr Verständnis und hoffen, eines Tages erneut Ihr Gastgeber in München sein zu dürfen, um Ihre Meinung zu ändern. Herzliche Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous01.12.23

Kein heiße Wasser zu Duschen am letzten Tag
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Location
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    40 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    40 / 100
  • Price
    60 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Lieber Gast, danke, dass Sie nach Ihrer Heimkehr an uns gedacht haben und eine insgesamt gute Bewertung zu Ihrem Aufenthalt abgaben. Ihr konstruktives Feedback, welches sowohl Ihre positiven, als auch negativen Erfahrungen wiedergibt, wissen wir zu schätzen und nehmen uns Ihre aufgeführten Kritikpunkte, für welche wir uns aufrichtig entschuldigen, zu Herzen. Wir hoffen auf eine weitere Gelegenheit Ihr Gastgeber sein zu dürfen, um Ihre Meinung zu verbessern und Sie vollständig für unser komfortables Haus zu gewinnen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann- Online Reputation Manager



From: ALEX P.01.12.23

  • Room
    40 / 100
  • Location
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    40 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Breakfast
    20 / 100
  • Price
    40 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Alex, We deeply regret that your stay with us wasn't as pleasant as you would have expected. Please accept our apologies for the mentioned inconveniences and be assured that we do our very best each day to meet the quality level of our hotel. The satisfaction of each guest is our highest priority and as a matter of course we will discuss your meaningful feedback internally. Hopefully you will give us one more opportunity to change your point of view and win you with our great advantages during a future visit. Sincerely, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous01.12.23

  • Room
    40 / 100
  • Location
    60 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    40 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Were you satisfied with the choice of food?
    40 / 100
  • How do you judge the friendliness of the service staff?
    80 / 100
  • Price
    20 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    60 / 100
Dear Guest, We deeply regret that we couldn't win you with the modern comfort and guest oriented service our H2 Hotel generally is appreciated for. Please believe that the satisfaction of all guests is our highest priority and that we work hard each day to meet our standard. Therefore we are sad not to have reached your expectations of a pleasant stay in every way and we are sorry for mentioned inconveniences. As a matter of course we will discuss your meaningful feedback internally to find solutions for improvements. Hopefully you will give us another opportunity to change your point of view during a future abidance with us. Sincerely, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: Arnoud30.11.23

Prima verblijf gehad, maar geen gym.
  • Room
    80 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Price
    40 / 100
  • Breakfast
    80 / 100
  • Location
    80 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    80 / 100
Dear Arnoud, Thank you for choosing our modern hotel for your recent abidance in Munic and for giving us a good rating. We are glad that most of our amenities as well as facilities met your expectations and we look forward to fully win you with our great advantages during your next stay. Sincerely, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous29.11.23

  • Room
    20 / 100
  • Location
    60 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    60 / 100
  • Service
    40 / 100
  • Breakfast
    20 / 100
  • Price
    20 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    20 / 100
Dear Guest, We deeply regret that we couldn't win you with the modern comfort and guest oriented service our H2 Hotel generally is appreciated for. Please believe that the satisfaction of all guests is our highest priority and that we work hard each day to meet our standard. Therefore we are sad not to have reached your expectations of a pleasant stay in every way and we are sorry for mentioned inconveniences. As a matter of course we will discuss your meaningful feedback internally to find solutions for improvements. Hopefully you will give us another opportunity to change your point of view during a future abidance with us. Sincerely, Your H-Hotels Team, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



From: anonymous29.11.23

Sehr gut
  • Room
    100 / 100
  • Location
    100 / 100
  • Cleanliness
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Breakfast
    100 / 100
  • Price
    100 / 100
  • Wifi / WLAN
    100 / 100
Lieber Gast, für Ihren Aufenthalt in unserem komfortablen Hause, sowie für Ihre Mühe, uns so fabelhaft bewertet zu haben, möchten wir uns ganz herzlich bedanken. Wie schön, dass wir mit tollen Annehmlichkeiten, sowie herzlicher Gastfreundschaft punkten konnten und Sie eine super Zeit bei uns verbrachten. Über ein baldiges Wiedersehen würden wir uns sehr freuen und verbleiben bis dahin mit allerbesten Grüßen aus München, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels, Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager


Our Customer Satisfaction Index

Based on 1618 ratings

Certificate from:
Customer Alliance
  • Independent evaluation service
  • Evaluations from real guests without manipulating

What is the Customer Alliance Certificate?

Customer Alliance is an independent review provider for businesses, helping them to collect authentic customer feedback. As a result, this Review Certificate bridges the trust gap between businesses and you - the customer.

How does the review process work?

Our questionnaire is sent to all customers. Therefore, every single review you find here, has been submitted by a real customer and cannot be manipulated. Only customers who have interacted with the business can write a review.

What is the Customer Satisfaction Index?

The Customer Satisfaction Index offers an average rating based on all guest feedback. It therefore shows you how happy the customers are with the business. 100% represents the highest possible score.

What is this?
All reviews
  • Customer Alliance86%
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