Lounge dell’hotel H4 Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz - Sito web ufficiale

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Recensione: H4 Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz

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Scoprite quello che pensano gli ospiti del nostro H4 Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz! Di seguito è fornita una panoramica delle recensioni sull’hotel, che gli ospiti hanno lasciato su diversi siti.

Prenotate direttamente al miglior prezzo garantito e approfittate di vantaggi esclusivi

Panoramica delle recensioni: ecco ciò che i nostri ospiti dicono dell' H4 Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz

Valutazione complessiva di 2777 recensioni

Le nostre ultime valutazioni:
2204 recensioni, mostra
496 recensioni, mostra
63 recensioni, mostra
12 recensioni, mostra
2 recensioni, mostra
Dichiarazioni degli ospiti:

Molto bene prezzo” hanno detto 937 ospiti

Posizione ottimale” hanno detto 1097 ospiti

Camere molto accoglienti” hanno detto 1010 ospiti

Personale molto competente” hanno detto 1051 ospiti

Colazione favolosa” hanno detto 656 ospiti

Le recensioni in dettaglio

Valutazione complessiva




Rapporto qualità prezzo


Prima colazione



Centro conferenze


Da: anonimo04.10.22

Wir sind mit unserem Besuch sehr zufrieden.
  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    100 / 100
Lieber Gast, für das wunderbare Feedback, bezüglich Ihrer Aufenthaltserfahrungen in unserem H4 Hotel, möchten wir uns ganz herzlich bei Ihnen bedanken. Toll, dass wir mit hohem Komfort, sowie herzlicher Gastfreundschaft punkten konnten und Sie solch positive Eindrücke mit nach Hause nahmen. Schon heute freuen wir uns darauf, Ihren zukünftigen Besuch genauso erholsam werden zu lassen und hoffen auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: Gry L.04.10.22

A very nice stay. Will recommend it to people going to Berlin
  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    80 / 100
Dear Gry, Thanks a million for sharing such a lovely feedback with us and our future guests. We couldnt be happier about the fact that our excellent service as well as conveniences fully met your expectations and made your stay delightful. Please come back soon for another pleasant abidance with us in the city center of Berlin. Warm regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: Randall W.04.10.22

Very good
  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    100 / 100
Dear Randall, Many thanks for rewarding us with such a kind review. It was our pleasure to have satisfied your expectations of a pleasant stay as we love giving our very best to provide an excellent service. Please come back again someday and re-experience our great comfort as well as warm hospitality. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: anonimo04.10.22

Gutes Hotel für Geschäftsreisende.
  • Camera
    80 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    80 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    60 / 100
Lieber Gast, für Ihren Aufenthalt und das daraus resultierende freundliche Feedback möchten wir uns bei Ihnen bedanken. Wie schön, dass wir Ihren Vorstellungen gerecht wurden und Sie eine angenehme Zeit bei uns verbrachten. Über ein baldiges Wiedersehen würden wir uns sehr freuen, um Sie dann sogar vollständig vom Qualitätsstandard unseres Hauses zu überzeugen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: anonimo04.10.22

Sehr guter Eindruck
  • Camera
    80 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    100 / 100
Lieber Gast, tolle Feedbacks wie Ihres schätzen wir sehr, denn sie sind für uns eine Bestätigung unserer gebrachten Leistung und gleichzeitig ein Ansporn, diese stetig weiter zu verbessern. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich Zeit nahmen, Ihre positiven Erfahrungen mit uns und unseren zukünftigen Gästen zu teilen. Schon heute freuen wir uns auf Ihren zukünftigen Aufenthalt, wo wir Sie erneut begeistern möchten. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: anonimo04.10.22

Schönes Hotel. Sehr freundliches Personal.
  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    80 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    100 / 100
Lieber Gast, für Ihren Aufenthalt in unserem H4 Hotel, sowie für Ihre Mühe, ein solch freundliches Feedback abzugeben, möchten wir uns ganz herzlich bedanken. Wie schön, dass Ihnen unser Haus, mitsamt seinen tollen Annehmlichkeiten, so super gefallen hat und unser gastorientierter Service dazu beitrug, Ihnen eine erholsame Zeit zu ermöglichen. Hoffentlich dürfen wir Sie schon bald wieder einmal bei uns willkommen heißen. Mit besten Grüßen, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: Csaba04.10.22

  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    80 / 100
Dear Csaba, Many thanks for choosing our hotel for your recent trip to Berlin. We are happy that because of your positive experiences you gave us a great rating and we already look forward to enable your next stay just as or even more enjoyable. Kind regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: anonimo03.10.22

Excellente emplacement très calme
  • Camera
    60 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    60 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    100 / 100
  • Bar
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    60 / 100
Dear guest, Thanks for your efforts to post a review of your recent stay with us. Regarding to your 83% rating and kind comment we are glad that you had a pleasant time at our H4 Hotel. However we deeply regret the smell of smoke in your room although smoking is prohibited in the entire building. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconveniences and rest assured that we will thoroughly clean the room again immediately. Also be informed that you can always ask for a room change in case something isn't the way you expect it to be. Depending on our availability we will be happy to provide another one for your and hopefully meet again someday. Kind regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: anonimo03.10.22

  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    100 / 100
  • Bar
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    100 / 100
Dear guest, We are happy about your amazing rating and very thankful for sharing it. How lovely to know that our modern comfort as well as warm hospitality met your expectations and made your abidance delightful. Please recommend us to your friends and come back soon for another memorable stay. Kind regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: Jenni K.03.10.22

  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    100 / 100
Dear Jenni, Thanks a million for sharing a fantastic 100% rating. How lovely to know that you had a wonderful stay at our hotel and appreciated our great comfort just as much as our warm hospitality. Please come back soon for another memorable time with us in modern ambience and super central location. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: Cristian03.10.22

  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    100 / 100
  • Bar
    80 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    100 / 100
Dear Cristian, We are more than happy about your fantastic rating. Thanks a million for letting us know that our comfort as well as service features met your expectations and made your stay delightful. Please recommend us to your friends and come back soon for another enjoyable abidance in the city center of Berlin. Sincerely, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: I. S.02.10.22

Das online check- in funktinierte wunderbar. Leider machte mich ärgerlich, dass das umsonst war, da das Check-in Terminal im Hotel ausser Betrien war. Ich musste ca. 20 Min schlange stehen bis ich an der Rezeption mein Schlüssel abgeholt habe.
  • Camera
    80 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    100 / 100
  • Ristorante
    80 / 100
  • Bar
    80 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    80 / 100
Liebe Frau Schwilk, herzlichen Dank, dass Sie unser modernes Haus, in toller zentraler Lage, für Ihren Berlin-Aufenthalt wählten und uns mit Ihrer super Bewertung wissen lassen, dass Sie sich wohl gefühlt haben. Für das defekte Online-Check-In-Gerät in unserer Lobby entschuldigen wir uns hingegen aufrichtig. Natürlich macht es keinen Sinn, dass Sie online einchecken können und dann vor Ort doch warten müssen. Selbstverständlich haben wir die Reparatur bereits veranlasst und hoffen auf eine schnelle Umsetzung. Schon heute freuen wir uns darauf, Ihren nächsten Besuch noch angenehmer werden zu lassen und hoffen auf ein Wiedersehen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: Stephen C.30.09.22

Overall we thoroughly enjoyed our stay at the H4. The Executive Lounge was wonderful and we met some very nice people. Easy transit to and from airport. Excellent transport network and wonderful city break!!
  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    100 / 100
Dear Stephen, Thanks a million for choosing our modern city hotel for your recent stay in Berlin and for rewarding us with such a brilliant feedback. We are delighted that your abidance was pleasant and our conveniences appreciated. Hopefully we can welcome you back again someday for another fantastic time in nice ambience. Sincerely, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: anonimo30.09.22

  • Camera
    80 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    80 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    100 / 100
  • Centro conferenze
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    80 / 100
Dear guest, How lovely to know that you enjoyed a pleasant abidance with us and appreciated our personalized service features just as much as the great conveniences. We are thankful for your super rating and we already look forward to enable your future visit just as delightful. Best wishes, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: anonimo29.09.22

  • Camera
    80 / 100
  • Posizione
    80 / 100
  • Pulizia
    80 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    80 / 100
  • Bar
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    80 / 100
Lieber Gast, herzlichen Dank, dass Sie sich die Mühe machten, Ihren Aufenthalt in unserem Hause so super einzuschätzen. Toll, dass Sie bei uns eine solch angenehme Zeit in schickem Ambiente und super zentraler Lage verbrachten. Hoffentlich dürfen wir Sie schon bald wieder einmal im H4 Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz willkommen heißen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: Sedef E.29.09.22

The rooms even have coffee machine! Super clean, super central and overall a great experience!
  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    100 / 100
Dear Sedef, Thanks a million for posting a brilliant review of your recent and pleasant stay at our H4 Hotel. We are delighted about your praising words confirming your positive impressions and we already look forward to enable your future abidance just as comfortable. Best wishes, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: Walid A.29.09.22

Very positive experience and I do stay at this hotel every time I am in Berlin. love the convenience to the public transportation and Alexendrplatz is a perfect location for whatever you need to do.
  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    100 / 100
Dear Walid, Thanks a million for having chosen our H4 Hotel for your recent stay in Berlin and for sharing your amazing feedback. We are delighted that our comfort as well as great conveniences were appreciated and made your abidance memorable. Please recommend us to your friends and come back again soon for another wonderful time with us in nice ambience. Sincerely, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: anonimo29.09.22

Eine gutes Hotel, super nett war das ich bei der frühen Abreise ein Frühstückspacket mit bekommen habe. Vielen Dank gerne wieder.
  • Camera
    80 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    80 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    80 / 100
Lieber Gast, wir freuen uns sehr, dass Sie Ihren Aufenthalt in unserem H4 Hotel genossen haben und wir mit tollem Service, sowie herzlicher Gastfreundschaft einen großen Beitrag dazu leisten konnten. In der Hoffnung, Sie bald wieder einmal bei uns willkommen heißen zu dürfen, verbleiben wir mit allerbesten Grüßen aus Berlin, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: anonimo28.09.22

Muy buena. Personal muy agradable, todo muy limpio.
  • Camera
    80 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    100 / 100
  • Ristorante
    80 / 100
  • Bar
    80 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    60 / 100
Dear guest, We are happy about your kind review and thankful that you have shared it with us as well as our future guests. How lovely to know that our comfort and service features met your expectations of a pleasant stay although the lack of storage slightly clouded your impressions which we regret. Please come back soon for another great time with us in nice ambience and super central location. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager



Da: Liza28.09.22

Excellent!! We love our room everything was wonderful
  • Camera
    100 / 100
  • Posizione
    100 / 100
  • Pulizia
    100 / 100
  • Servizio
    100 / 100
  • Prima colazione
    80 / 100
  • Rapporto qualità prezzo
    100 / 100
Dear Liza, Many thanks for posting a lovely review of your recent and pleasant stay at our modern city hotel. We are delighted about your praising words confirming your positive impressions and we can't wait to welcome you back again someday for another memorable abidance. Sincerely, Your team from the H-Hotels // Linda Prutz - Online Reputation Manager


Il nostro Indice di Customer Satisfaction

Sulla base di 2777 valutazioni

Certificato da:
Customer Alliance
  • Servizio di valutazione indipendente
  • Recensioni di ospiti reali senza manipolazioni

Cos’è il certificato Customer Alliance?

Customer Alliance aiuta gli hotel nella gestione delle recensioni online, permettendo loro di ottenere recensioni autentiche dagli ospiti. In questo modo, il certificato Customer Alliance colma il gap di fiducia che ci può essere tra gli hotel e i loro ospiti.

Come funziona il processo di recensione?

Customer Alliance invia un questionario di valutazione a tutti gli ospiti che hanno soggiornato nell'hotel. Ogni singola recensione che potete leggere su questa pagina è stata lasciata da un ospite reale e non può essere alterata. Solo gli ospiti che hanno effettivamente soggiornato nell'hotel e che hanno compilato il questionario di valutazione possono lasciare una recensione.

Cos’è l’indice di customer satisfaction?

Offre un rating medio basato su tutte le recensioni fornite dagli ospiti. Indica quindi il grado di soddisfazione dei clienti dell' hotel in questione. Il valore massimo corrisponde al 100%

Che cos'è?
Valutazione media
  • Customer Alliance88%